Friday, April 26, 2013

Prayer and Praise Points, April 2013 Week Four

Prayer Points

Don travels to Bangkok on Sunday for meetings related to Grace starting early Monday morning.  Pray for safety in his travel.

For Grace International School as we still have a few openings for next school year.  Please check out the link here for positions still open.  Thank you for praying for these remaining postings to be filled.  Positions Still Open

Raining season will soon be upon us and we hope to continue to move dirt on the new site for the new campus for the school.  We have about 1/3 of the property yet to complete raising the level of dirt almost a meter in some places.  Please pray we will have the window of opportunity to complete much of this before the rains really begin to pour.

For Pastor's Art and Pat who are traveling and will return to Thailand early next week.  Pray for safety in their travels and for their churches as they are away this weekend.

Please pray for the 14 year old mother-to-be at Jasmine who is in her last month of pregnancy.  Pray she'll deliver a healthy  baby and that she too will be safe throughout the delivery.  Please also pray that the Lord would change the hearts of the family and that they would want to take the baby home.  She's pictured above holding one of the other mother's babies being cared for at Jasmine.

Praise Points

For the 20+ new faculty and staff joining Grace International School in the 2013-14 school year.

Don is doing better health-wise.  Less coughing and stomach problems.

It's wonderful to be back in Thailand serving the Lord at Grace International School and with the Free Methodist Church.

Looking forward to having Michalea, our youngest, come out to Thailand for a visit for a month from mid-May to mid-June.

Stepping Forth with One Purpose, One Vision for Baby Sophia - April Week Three, 2013

G r a c e   I n t e r n a t i o n a l    

S t u d e n t s,   S t a f f   

&   P a r e n t s,

as "Good Samaritans" and    

A m b a s s a d o r s   o f   t h e  

L o r d   J e s u s   C h r i s t:

Nearly 1000 Thais Experience the Love of God...

Through the 

Students and Staff of




Ministry Day

Refugees Experience Mercy and Grace





Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prayer and Praise Points April 2013, Week Three

Prayer Points

Wisdom in establishing a "balanced" and healthy schedule as we jump back into life and ministry in Chiang Mai.

For Chan, in a creative access country for spiritual and emotional encouragement.  He is looking for people of peace to help him in his "work" in the country.  Also pray for new partners to be able to maintain and expand his influence.

This next item is both a praise and a prayer request.  We've not given an update on the New GIS Campus in awhile so we thought we'd share with you some recent news put together by the school.  

Praise Points

For the recent Sierra Pacific Women's Retreat who raised funds for the ICCM Lahu Youth Hostel in Chiang Rai.

Praise for a time of fellowship for the women's CBSI (Community Bible Study International) wrap up to the year.

For summer jobs for Katelyn and Michaela.  And for a job during the school year for Michaela next year as a Peer Advisor.  Housing for next year has been worked out for both of the girls at SAU.

Stepping Forth With One Purpose, One Vision, April, Week Three

G r a c e   I n t e r n a t i o n a l    

S t u d e n t s,   S t a f f   

&   P a r e n t s,   

A m b a s s a d o r s   o f   t h e  

L o r d   J e s u s   C h r i s t:

Students Learn to be "Good Sheep"

By Following 

the Good Shepherd


Spiritual Emphasis Week

at Grace International School

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Our Neighbors - New Sky House Children

New Sky House Children
a ministry of the FMC of Chiang Mai

Please pray the Lord would raise up the $6-8,000 a year needed to provide a home, an education, feed, and cloth the seven Lahu children through the ministry of New Sky House.  That's about $1,000 a child per year or just over $80 a month.

The impact of investment keeps the children safe from being trafficked and mentors the children as the next generation to transform Thailand for Christ. 

Here are the pictures of the two boys:

and five girls:

Prayer and Praise Points, Week Two April 2013

Prayer Points

Please pray for the young 14 year-old who will deliver her baby the end of May at The Jasmine Project.  Pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

Pray for the seven children at New Sky House.  Pray the Lord would raise up the funds for the project to continue serving the children, keeping them safe, feed, educated and loved on.

For the Thailand Country Shares.  Pray the Lord would raise up partners who will participate in the work being done by the church in Thailand that is making an eternal difference.

For more sympathetic digestion of our new diet.  We would appreciate your prayers for the stomach challenges we've been faced with the last couple days.

For safety in travel as Tad travels to Brunei and the Philippines this week related to his job.  And for Megan as she holds down the fort in Laos.

Praise Points

The provision of funds to finish up the Tiger Truck Campaign.

For working out Katelyn's housing situation for next year.

Jobs for Josiah and Whitney and a sense of God's goodness and pressed down and overflowing love.

Our good transition back into life in Asia.

For the opportunity to spend some time with Tad and Megan in Laos after the Asia Retreat held in Bangkok and before our reentry into ministry in Chiang Mai.

Stepping Forth With One Purpose, One Vision April Week Two

G r a c e   I n t e r n a t i o n a l    

S t u d e n t s,   S t a f f   

&   P a r e n t s,   

A m b a s s a d o r s   o f   t h e  

L o r d   J e s u s   C h r i s t: