Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prayer and Praise Points April 2013, Week Three

Prayer Points

Wisdom in establishing a "balanced" and healthy schedule as we jump back into life and ministry in Chiang Mai.

For Chan, in a creative access country for spiritual and emotional encouragement.  He is looking for people of peace to help him in his "work" in the country.  Also pray for new partners to be able to maintain and expand his influence.

This next item is both a praise and a prayer request.  We've not given an update on the New GIS Campus in awhile so we thought we'd share with you some recent news put together by the school.  

Praise Points

For the recent Sierra Pacific Women's Retreat who raised funds for the ICCM Lahu Youth Hostel in Chiang Rai.

Praise for a time of fellowship for the women's CBSI (Community Bible Study International) wrap up to the year.

For summer jobs for Katelyn and Michaela.  And for a job during the school year for Michaela next year as a Peer Advisor.  Housing for next year has been worked out for both of the girls at SAU.


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