A Bible School, Pre-School and Youth Hostel Ministry
The FM Creative Access Country of MM rents all their buildings. The building pictured below on the right includes empty space on either side of the building on the right. Some of the space is used for gardening.
The building on the left is the pastor's home that is shared with in-laws and students and also serves as the church.
The building on the right is where the nursery school is located and where one set of boarding parents live.
The building below is the same one used for the nursery school. The space on the right could be used to build another building.
This is the empty space not being used right now that could be used to build a building for one of the ministries. Just think of the great harvest that could be had off this property other than weeds that are growing on the land right now. Pray the Lord of the Harvest would provide the FM Creative Access Country of MM $25,000 USD to buy the land that includes the building and empty land on either side. For another $50,000-75,000 the two buildings could be built accommodating the other ministries of the church. Below are pictured the two empty spaces on either side of the building.
Here I am pictured with one of the Bible School teachers. I'm wearing my gift given to me earlier in the afternoon. Don't I look good in a sarong.
A couple pictures from the pre-school. The one below Don's teaching the children the old hymn, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot with some actions.
Activities like the ones below are part of the full day nursery program for children. They get to learn about the love of God through their teachers.
Pictured below Don is handing out gifts to the graduates as they also pick up their diplomas. Each graduate was given a devotional book, a Bible, and a copy of the book, "Purpose Driven Life" written in Burmese.
And here's the graduates. There were five that accomplished this great achievement in the first class of Light and Life Bible School. After the ceremony we all took turns eating a wonderful Burmese meal. See the picture below.