Sunday, February 03, 2008

"I'm getting married." Those were the words Sy spoke to those gathered on the last evening of Spiritual Emphasis Week. Just 10-15 minutes earlier he'd expressed how many of those gathered had heard from the Lord during the week but at that moment, he confided he hadn't. He challenged everyone who wanted to come to the microphone to share what the Lord had done in their lives. Between testimonies and various words from the students Sy heard from God. Sy had been waiting on the Lord for several weeks. Waiting to hear about God's future plans for his life. Just the night before he had talked to his dad about his frustrations in God's timing trying to understand his own despearate heart to follow God in light of God's seemingly disinterested concern for him. Sy was the MC of the culminating event during Spiritual Emphasis Week and returned to the microphone. He stood there declaring how he had heard from the Lord and that he was getting married. He explained how he had been longing for a romantic relationship. The word from the Lord was that He was Sy's romantic relationship. In that moment Sy put it all together. He realized how ealirer in the week the main speaker during one of the afternoon workshops had said that being a pastor was like being married to Christ. There it was...the Spirit moved on Sy and helped him to see Christ's was to be married to Him, be romantic with Him and become a pastor. Sy came running over to his dad sobbing about all that had just happened. He said he'd heard from God...he had heard his calling...he knew what he was going to do with his life..he had just been asked by Christ to be married to become a pastor...he cried out, "Dad, I said yes!" Pray for Sy as he now explores what this all means and where he will go to college or university to prepare for the call God has on his life.



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